Docker Bootcamp
3 Days
developerarchitecttest engineerdevops engineer

Docker is the most popular containerization tool set which can package software with all its dependencies. This program covers docker tool set starting with explaining virtualization, containerization & devops. It covers good ground in Docker concepts and techniques, which will allow participants to use docker as key tool to enable devops. Topics like container management, networking, volumes, security are covered in depth. Program also includes introduction to DevOps, Kubernetes and Microservices Architecture. Program is executed with many demos and hands-on.


Program is primarily for developers, test engineers and devops team.


Participants must have worked on software projects with version control system.


  • DevOps
    • Why?
    • Continous Integration
    • Continous Delivery
  • Virtualization
  • Containerization
  • Benefits
  • History
  • Hello, Docker!
  • Setup
  • As a Platform
  • OCI and CNM
  • Quick start
  • Architecture
  • Execution Model
  • Docker Commands
  • Find information
  • Image
  • Dockerfile and Syntax
  • Best Practices
  • Container
  • Running Container
  • Running Commands
  • Volume
  • Types of Volume
  • Best Practices
  • Configuration
  • Log
  • Network and Port
  • Network Types
  • Compose and configuration
  • Docker Security
  • Container Deployment
    • Demo with Azure and Github
  • Need for Orachestration
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Basic Commands
  • Monolith Architecture
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Comparison
  • Pros and Cons
  • Adoption
  • Demo


Nothing significant to mention.

Anything not mentioned in Topics

Software Requirements

Docker Desktop with WSL2

Internet Requirements

Good unrestricted internet connection is required.

Hardware Requirements

Developer's laptop with 16GB+ RAM and 100GB+ free storage

Classroom Requirements

Projector with HDMI, White Board, Markers with Eraser

Online Requirements

Appropriate meeting software e.g. Zoom, MS Teams Please make sure that camera, speaker and mic are working

If you have any query, please contact now.